your donation makes a
Thank you for your support! Every dollar we receive goes towards changing lives.We take your gifts seriously, and we make every effort to maximize your investment in our organization.
We value your trust. That's why we are committed to using the money you generously give in efficient and effective ways.
The ministry belongs to God. As His stewards, we are accountable to His objectives, interests and concerns.
The future of God's work doesn't depend on the survival of this organization. But as long as He supplies the means, we will serve others in His name.
We request that you support the work of your own faith community first, before you contribute to VowsToKeep.
"Couples come away with hope in their hearts
and tools in their hands!"

We found VowsToKeep two years ago during the time we were resurrecting our marriage and needed more than secular counseling. Finding their show on our local Christian radio station and then receiving counseling was an answer to our prayers! Their Biblical application was so insightful!
I would wholeheartedly recommend VowsToKeep if you are struggling in your marriage. They take you to the Bible and get the focus off of yourself and back on Christ first, then your spouse. They will design a plan that is fit to the needs of your marriage and situation. Not a "canned" 10 steps to improve your marriage. They got us on the right path and setup accountability for the long haul.
I forget how applicable scripture is to the common situations I find in my marriage. VowsToKeep provides those needed reminders that aid my walk with God while strengthening me as a man, father and husband.